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Cognition and Creativity

Advanced Organizer                                               š]gE ™ƒ›E
Universals and Individual Differences                 fJ2xŒD* ‘HxŒD*H ib£E¡˜†D*
Intelligence, IQ and Threshold Theory          fcg†D* fJxƒFH  $bCwD* –Eb†EH  $bCwD*
Structure of Intellect and Associative Theory       f£€+*xgD* fJxƒ›D*H –†D* f£›+
Creative Thinking as Problem Solving              iɒ~{˜•D –pC ¤<*]+°( * x£’ŒgD*
Problem Finding
Stage Theories of the Creative Process                         f•’~{˜D* Žb~{gC*
Incubation, Insight                            f£<*]+°( * f£•˜†•D f£•0x˜D* ibJxƒ›D*
Componential Models
Incubation and the Role of the Unconscious                4b~|cg~6°*H  fFb~¦pD*
Logic                                                 ibF¡’˜D* H*&  x~8b›†D* o3b˜F
Tactics and Metacognition                                4¡†~7ÉD* 4H2H fFb~¦pD*
Mindfulness                                                          €›˜D*
Overinclusive Thinking                                               6]pD*

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