Page 88 - CreativityGiftedness
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87 äɪ«ª©àdG ƃ°U ≈∏Y IQó≤dGh πFÉ°ùªdG πMh äÉ«°VÉjôdG »a ƃÑædG :»fÉãdG π°üØdG

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                       πFÉ°ùŸG – GC ≥ë∏e

                                                        ≈dh’C G ádCÉ°ùªdG

,π«ÑéfõdGh ,¿ƒª«∏dGh ,᫪ëdG ’ƒch ,’ƒμdG :GOƒ°üdG Ühô°ûe QÉ«àN’ ∫GóHCG áà°S óLƒj
                                                   .ádhGôØdGh ,ô«©°ûdGh
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93