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,¬°SÓaGE ¿ÓYEÉH ¬fƒjO OGó°S øe ÖdÉ£dG AÉØYEG øμÁ ’ ,iôN’C G ¿ƒjódG Qƒ°U ±ÓN ≈∏Y .27

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28. Donghoon Lee. “Household Debt and Credit: Student Debt.” Federal Reserve Bank
     of New York media advisory, February 18, 2013.

29. For more on this, see, for example, Tony Wagner. The Global Achievement Gap: Why
     Even Our Best Schools Don’t Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Need—and
     What We Can Do About It. New York: Basic Books, 2014.

30. Yong Zhao. “Test Scores vs. Entrepreneurship: PISA, TIMSS, and Confidence.”, June 6, 2012. Retrieved from h p:// zhaolearning.
     com/2012/06/06/test-scores-vs- entrepreneurship- pisa- mss- and- confidence/.

31. “The Enterprise of the Future.” IBM 2008 Global CEO Study. Retrieved from h ps://
     www-935. study_2008.pdf.

32. h p:// vs- entrepreneurship- pisa-
       mss- and- confidence/.

33. Yong Zhao. “ ‘Not Interested in Being #1’: Shanghai May Ditch PISA.” Zhaolearning.
     com, May 25, 2014. Retrieved from h p://
     interested- in- being-#1-shanghai- may- ditch-pisa/

34. U.S. Census Bureau. “Current Popula on Survey 2013.” Annual Social and
     Economic Supplement 2012. Retrieved from h p://

35. In D.C., Oregon, Alaska, Georgia, and Nevada, and in many inner-city districts, for
     example, gradua on rates are well below 70 percent.

36. Henry M. Levin and Cecilia E. Rouse. “The True Cost of High School Dropouts.”
     The New York Times, January 25, 2012. Retreived from h p://www.ny mes.
     com/2012/01/26/opinion/the-true- cost- of- high- school- dropouts. html?_r=3&.
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