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  37. Daniel A. Domenech. “Execu ve Perspec ve: Real Learning on the Voca onal Track.”
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  38. Mariana Haynes. “On the Path to Equity: Improving the Effec veness of Beginning
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  39. Richard M. Ingersoll. “Is There Really a Teacher Shortage?” University of Washington
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  40. Carla Amurao. “Fact Sheet: How Bad Is the School-to- Prison Pipeline?”,
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  41. “School-to- Prison Pipeline.” ACLU. Retrieved from school-prison-

  42. h p://www.cea-ace. ca/sites/cea-ace. ca/files/cea-2012- wdydist- report-1.pdf.

  43. “South Korea: System and School Organiza on.” NCEE. Retrieved from h p://www. center-on- interna onal- educa on- benchmarking/
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  44. Reeta Chakrabar . “South Korea’s Schools: Long Days, High Results.” BBC.
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  45. “MentalHealth:BackgroundofSUPRE.”WorldHealthOrganiza onwebsite.Retrieved
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  1. Edward Peters. “Demographics.” Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Retreived June
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  2. Thomas Jefferson. The Works of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Paul Leicester Ford. New York:
      G. P. Putnam, 1904.

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