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  9. “Colleges and Universi es That Do Not Use SAT/ACT Scores for Admi ng Substan al
      Numbers of Students into Bachelor Degree Programs.” FairTest. May 13, 2014.
      Retrieved from h p:// university/op onal#5. They include Bard College,
      Brandeis University, Colorado State College, Grambling State University, Providence
      College, the University of Texas, and many others.

  10. “Tes ng & Educa onal Support in the U.S.” IBISWorld Market Research Report,
       October 2014. Retrieved from h p://

  11. “2013 Domes c Grosses.” Box Office Mojo Yearly Box Office Results. Retrieved from
       h p://

  12. Monte Burke. “How the Na onal Football League Can Reach $25 Billion in Annual
       Revenues.”, August 17, 2013. Retrieved from h p://
       sites/monteburke/2013/08/17/how-the-na onal- football- league- can- reach-25-
       billion- in- annual- revenues/.

  13. Alyssa Figueroa. “8 Things You Should Know About Corpora ons Like Pearson That
       Make Huge Profits from Standardized Tests.” Alternet, August 6, 2013. Retrieved
       from h p:// on/corpora ons-profit- standardized- tests.

  14. Ibid.

  15. Jim Armitage. “Watch Your Language: The Tories’ U-turn on Testers.” NewsBank,
       February 19, 2014.

  16. Leonie Haimson. “The Pineapple and the Hare: Pearson’s Absurd, Nonsensical
       ELA Exam, Recycled Endlessly Throughout Country.” NYC Public School Parents
       (blog), April 19, 2012. Retrieved from h p://nycpublicschoolparents.blogspot.
       com/2012/04/pineapple-and-hare- pearsons- absurd. html.

  17. OECD. “PISA 2012 Results.” Retrieved from h p:// pisa/keyfindings/
       pisa-2012- results. htm.

  18. “Singapore: Instruc onal Systems.” Center on Interna onal Educa on Benchmarking.
       Retrieved from h p:// center-on- interna onal-
       educa on- benchmarking/ top-performing- countries/ singapore-overview/
       singapore-instruc onal- systems/.

  19. Anu Partanen. “What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland’s School Success.”
       TheAtlan, December 29, 2011. Retrieved from h p:// www.theatlan
       na onal/archive/2011/12/what-americans- keep-ignoring- about- finlands- school-
       success/250564/#.Tv4jn7hW2CU.twi er.
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