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  8. For details, see h p://

  9. “LEEP (Liberal Educa on and Effec ve Prac ce).” Clark University. Retrieved from
      h p://

  10. “The School with a Promise.” Clark University. Retrieved from h ps://www.clarku.
       edu/departments/educa on/upcs/.

  11. “University Park Campus School.” Dispelling the Myth. Educa on Trust. h p://

  12. Since that ini al report, NASSP has released six addi onal reports on educa on
       reform and has launched an ongoing series of Breaking Ranks leadership programs.

  13. “School Improvement.” NASSP. Retrieved from h p:// School-

  14. “MetLife Founda on–NASSP Breakthrough Schools.” MetLife Founda on—NASSP
       BreakthroughSchools.May29,2014.h p:// on/
       MetLifeFounda onNASSPBreakthroughSchools.aspx.

  15. An Execu ve Summary of Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Ins tu on. Reston,
       VA: Na onal Associa on of Secondary School Principals, 1996.

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  2. For the standard manifesto on this approach to paren ng, Amy Chua. Ba le Hymn of
      the Tiger Mother. New York: Penguin Press, 2011.

  3. For the counter-manifesto, see Tanith Carey. Taming the Tiger Parent: How to Put Your
      Child’s Well-being First in a Compe ve World. London: Constable and Robinson,

  4. Anne T. Henderson, Karen L. Mapp, and Amy Avere . A New Wave of Evidence: The
      Impact of School, Family, and Community Connec ons on Student Achievement.
      Aus n, TX: Na onal Center for Family and Community Connec ons with Schools,
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