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20. Tien Phong. “Vietnam Stops Using Grades in Elementary Schools.” PangeaToday.
     com, July 18, 2014. See h p:// vietnam-stops-using-grades-

21. “OECD and Pisa Tests Are Damaging Educa on Worldwide— Academics.”, May 6, 2014. Retrieved from h p://
     educa on/2014/may/06/oecd-pisa- tests- damaging-educa on- academics.

22. Joe Bower and P. L. Thomas. De-tes ng and De-grading Schools: Authen c
     Alterna ves to Accountability and Standardiza on. New York: Peter Lang, 2013.

23. “The Learning Record.” FairTest, August 28, 2007. Retrieved from h p://fairtest.

24. Erin Millar. “Why Some Schools Are Giving Le er Grades a Fail.” TheGlobeandMail.
     com, April 4, 2014. See h p://www.theglobeandmail. com/news/na onal/
     educa on/schools-that-give-le er-grades-afail/ar cle17807841/.

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1. See h p://
2. Kurt Badenhausen. “Manchester United Tops the World’s 50 Most Valuable Sports

   Teams.”, July 16, 2012. Retrieved from h p://
   kurtbadenhausen/2012/07/16/manchester-united-tops- the- worlds-50- most-
   valuable- sports- teams/.
3. Jamie Jackson. “David Moyes Sacked by Manchester United and Replaced by Ryan
   Giggs.”, April 22, 2014. Retrieved from h p://www.theguardian.
   com/football/2014/apr/22/david-moyes-sacked- manchester- united.
4. For a great discussion of this point, see Simon Sinek. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some
   Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t. New York: Por olio/ Penguin, 2014.
5. T. Wagner. Crea ng Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the
   World. Scribner, 2012.
6. “House of Commons Rebuilding.” Hansard, October 28, 1943, November10, 2014.
   h p:// oct/28/house-of- commons-
7. Tamsyn Imison, Liz Williams, and Ruth Heilbronn. Comprehensive Achievements: All
   Our Geese Are Swans. London: Trentham, 2013.
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