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5. Ibid.

6. “Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago.” University of Chicago
   Urban Educa on Ins tute, January 30, 2010. Retrieved from h p://
   news/ar cle/organizing-schools- improvement-lessons- chicago.

7. Ibid.

8. Patrick F. Basse . “When Parents and Schools Align.” Independent School, Winter
   2009. Retrieved from h p:// ers/ISMagazine/
   Pages/When-Parents- and- Schools- Align. aspx.

9. Ibid.

10. For more on the school, see h p://

11. “Na onal Standards for Family-School Partnerships.” Na onal
     PTA. Retrieved from h p://

12. Otha Thornton. “Families: An Essen al Ingredient for Student Success and Excellent
     Schools.”, April 29, 2014. Retrieved from h p://www. families-an- essen al-ing_ b_5232446.html.

13. U.S. Dept. of Educa on. “Partners in Educa on: A Dual Capacity-Building Framework
     for Family–School Partnerships.” Retrieved from h p://
     family-community/partners-educa on.pdf.

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                  .º«∏©àdG ‘ AÉcô°T ,IóëàŸG äÉj’ƒdG ‘ º«∏©àdG IQGRh .zÜÓ£dG

15. Home-to-School Connec ons Resource Guide. Edutopia. Retreived from h p:// school- connec ons- resource- guide.

16. See h p:// mission-history/.

17. “Fast Facts.” Na onal Center for Educa on Sta s cs. Retrieved from h p://nces. acts/display.asp?id=91.
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