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16. Yaacov Hecht. “What Is Democra c Educa on?” Schools of Trust YouTube Channel.
     Retrieved from h p://youtube/BlECircdLGs.

17. Yaacov Hecht. “Democra c Educa on: A Beginning of a Story.” Innova on Culture,

18. See h p://www.educa onrevolu

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K. Robinson. “All Our Futures: Crea vity, Culture and Educa on.” 1999.

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2. “Washington State’s Loss of No Child Le Behind Waiver Leaves Districts Scrambling.”
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5. “Na onal Resolu on on High-Stakes Tes ng.” FairTest. Retrieved from h p://fairtest.
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6. Catey Hill. “Will New SAT Raise Test-Prep Prices?”, March 9, 2014.
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