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‫حالات عملية على نظام «�ستيم» التعليمي‬

Greene, M. (2001). Variations on a blue guitar: The Lincoln Center Institute
lectures on aesthetic education. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
of biology and physics. Teaching and Teacher Education, 3(2), 109–120.
doi:10.1016/0742- 051X(87)90012-6
: . :2 The real benefits of visual arts education New York, NY Teachers College
Koester, M. (1989). Science and art together again (Unpublished master’s
thesis). University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI.
Koester, M. (1989). What’s your story? How can we bring students to science


- .Sci ence Council meeting, Myrtle Beach, SC
Koester, M. (1989). Project Draw for Science. Retrieved from
Koester, M. (2015a). Science teachers who draw: The red is always there.
Blue Mounds, WI: Deep University Press.
Koester, M. (2015b). Agnes Pflumm and the stonecreek science fair (3rd
ed.). Charleston, SC: Read for Science Publishing.
Koester, M. (2015c). No place like periwinkle (3rd ed.). Charleston, SC:
.Read for Science Publishing
Koester, M. (2015d). Pond scum and agnes pflumm (3rd ed.). Charleston,
SC: Read for Science Publishing.
Koester, M. (2015e). Agnes pflumm and the secret of the seven (2nd ed.).
: .Charleston, SC Read for Science Publishing
Koester, M. (in press). Deep learning in science: An argument for an
aesthetic para- digm of science education. In F. V. Tochon & D. Busciglio

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